Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Everything starts somewhere

So I sat down yesterday, ready to pour out a kick ass blog and unleash a slew of thoughts.  Then realized I didn't know at all what I wanted to say. I took a day to think about it and have decided that if I am really gonna do this then lets go all out, be completely honest and open.  So here it goes;

Hello there, My name is Howie.
This is me about, oh say 11 years ago or so.  To say I have been a heavy/fat guy for a wile is an understatement. I have been overweight and a "husky" guy since the 3rd grade. (I would insert pics of me from that time here, but nobody wants to see that).

So in these pictures here, I was close to quitting a job that was driving me insane. I found out at that time when i went to a physical for my new job, that I weighted 321 lbs. I started a job where I was walking  5-10 miles a day. and in 2 months lost 20lbs. I was then approached by someone who wanted to do the Jenny Craig program.  (knock it all you want) I agreed, and I achieved my greatest weight loss in my entire life.
So after 1.5 yrs on the Jenny Program I lost over 130 lbs.I got down to 200 lbs. had some ups wile on the program, but mostly a constant drop in weight. I was doing kickboxing, running and walking to work on the regular. I was down to a 38 waist, had some awesome definition going on my body that I had never seen before, and was on track to go into the Air Force. Then my Back blew out, I ruptured a disc and part of my vertebra broke off. I got cleared after my surgery to go back to doing what the activities that I was doing. But I was scared, I had lost almost all feeling in my right leg when it was rupturing, and not being able to feel it or even use it 30%. I let myself go, I blame no one but myself , I tried in a few half ass attempts to start a program back up but to no success. 

This is me now, last time I weighed myself I was 350lbs.
So Here we are now, I know I weigh at least 350. I will admit I don't want to weigh myself again, i just know I have to do something and now. I am tired of how I am, how I look, and how being this size affects me, socially, personally, and in just everyday life. It can be embarrassing some of the ways my size affects me. I would love to do the Jenny program again but it costs too much money. I have also come to the realization that as well as it works I can't live on their meals for the rest of my life. So I have to change up my lifestyle and learn to live a healthier life style with out some program. I have some awesome people who are willing to support me  in this endeavor(including the person who started this blog).  It is time to start in earnest this time. I've come to a point in my life where I have started a new chapter. What better time to do it than now.
So here we go people, everything starts somewhere, and this is where I start today.

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